Our Lives - Alfama

Thursday, April 19, 2007

It is still possible to see vestiges of the occupations Roman and Arab, two of the civilizations most dominant in the past of Lisbon. These streets are a mark of the Corão, where little value is given to the façades in detriment of the interior of the houses.

The building had resisted to the Earthquake of 1755. Although already Moorish houses not exist, the quarter conserve a little of the environment, with its streets, staircases and clothes drying in the windows.
This quarter was long ago most pleasant of the city. For the mouros the narrow streets in return of the castle constitute all the city.
Over Alfama, the imponent Castle of São Jorge crown the hill. Fortaleza and Palácio real until the o century XVI, is now a public stroll with spectacular sights.